Thursday, May 12, 2011


By Charlie


The big man made the trees with his magic seeds.

Red , yellow, and green are all the colors of spring.

Eight trees and one seed make 1,000 more

Ear and fear are the trees delight.

Sometimes I say that trees are our friends and they are scary some times.

Trees are good for use because they give use shade, paper, and give use food so that is why trees are good for use.



Save the TREES!

Chance’s Poem

Ted, do you see that tree?

Ruby, look at that tree.

Elisa, I love that tree.

Evan, I like that tree.

Susan, by god I love that tree.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


by Jasmine

Trees so beautiful to me

Really green and as tall as the moon in the sky

Evergreen with branches falling like stars

Enclosed in bark

Shade and the home to bees and wildlife

Cassidy's Poem

My favorite thing in the world!
sed to sooth the soul.

Sounds that make you happy!

Interesting, beat/rhythms and 

Can make you feel better anytime!

Tree Farm

by Lena

When you imagine a farm you imagine pigs, goats horses, and cows, but when I hear the word farm I think of majestic colors of green, and yellow, sometimes even red. Tree's lets go of  all my bad energy and brings me happiness and only happiness. I stay content with the life I have and go with the flow. Some may think they are just trees, but I think much more I think of  a canvas with splatters of green paint.  

        I see petite custard yellow trees, with a hint of green, and it all brings back memories of  the days when I was about 5 having no care in the world. Then I see frail brown trees which bring thoughts in my mind of  when I will grow old, but there not bad thoughts there thoughts of when I'll have children, and even maybe grandchildren. Those thoughts are far in the future though. Then I see a healthy  average tree that is spring bud colored, and it bring no thoughts to me all I do is smile.

Tree Forest

by Abby

Some days you may ask yourself, "Why are the trees green? Instead of purple, blue or orange?" Well it all started long ago in a land called Greenwood Village. There was a curious child named Ernest who lived with his mother in an enormous ,purple  tree. They lived in the trunk of the tree where they had carved a door and made their house on the inside.

Anyways, one day Ernest was pondering upon the idea of trees being purple. He didn't understand why the trees were purple but he didn't like it, because he absolutely loathed purple! Not only this but he thought that trees being purple was simply absurd. So, he decided to do something about it. Ernest got buckets of paint that were different colors of green. From hunter green and asparagus green to green with a hint of mustard yellow and so many others. He picked the color green because that was his absolute favorite color and it reminded him of happy things.

So, the next day Ernest set out to paint the trees; and trust me, it was a hard job! Painting every single leaf was insanely difficult for just one person, especially a young boy. Ernest was so stubborn though, from daybreak to dusk, he painted those leaves and achieved his goal. He painted every single leaf of every tree he could find. From then on, all trees just grew as the color green because it seemed like the way things had always been.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


by Nayeli

Tall as skyscrapers, swaying back and forth

Really green and full of life

Everything needs a tree, for shade, or even for a home 

Elegant and beautiful describe a tree

Some of the many things they give us is shade

Acrostic Poem

by Kishan

Love the water that flows through the rugged forest ground.

Unremarkable sight when the tree am fully blossomed.

Makes beautiful leave fall to the ground during the season fall.

Pays great attention to the coming winter.

Yellow leave fall from the tree when it is autumn.

The amazing sight of how I stand out instead of all the other trees.

Red leaves fall during the season fall.

Everyone stares at the beauty that the tree possesses.

Elegant trees are no match for this tree.

Beautiful Colorful Trees

                                By Nora B

Big and beautiful, the trees are great. Eight of them stick out because of their creamy yellow color. A tall one in the middle dominates the rest. Up in the sky, the clouds are gloomy and grey. them toppling over would be terrifying. Infinite plant life is all over the plant farm. fire cannot be started there, or the beauty would be killed. under the canopy, is hidden shaded life. lighter trees look brighter because of the sun. conserve the trees, you must. oxygen for us is provided by them. leaves aplenty, make the trees look bigger. on the ground are the dead limbs of trees. rugged, but not by appearance.  fish do not live in trees, but monkeys do. unbelievable in size. let them grow. the shade is great when it's hot and sunny outside. really need water to stay alive. every tree is unique. elephants eat leaves from trees. so pretty.

Coltan's Poem

Gives light to the beautiful world.

Renders wonderful leaves to the area around it.

Enters a state of awesomeness

Enjoys the water that comes from the Earth

Never turns an ugly color even in winter.

dancing Trees    

the trees are big and green and yellow they shine like the ocean they sway back and forth and if you listen carefully you can hear as they brush against each other

its dancing trees

by mari

Pedro’s Poem

Tall enough to almost touch the sky.

Red and other colors when it is Fall.

Enough to give us oxygen and paper.

Everyone uses them at some point in their life.

Shade when you really need it.


by Brad

Tremendous, terrific, terrifying trees

Round, rugged, ridiculous

Elegant, excellent     

Equal-sized, enormous

Spectacular, sunny, shadowed


by Branden

There is many different trees that are very beautiful.

Renders the beautiful leaves.

Every different tree has a beautiful glow.

Extreme colors  in all the trees.

So many things about the trees and so luscious. 

Lacie's Creations

Haikus for Tree #1:
This tree is lime green
It is also very tall
Giving us much shade

A dark green shadow
It is the color you see
After a bad dream

Haikus for Tree #2:
The tree is dark green
It's also very bushy
Home to animals

Casting shade on grass
Place to rest for a while
It creates much shade

Kyler’s Poem

Little green umbrellas

Everlasting pokey needles

Always beautiful

Varies in shades and sizes

Ending in the cold
tarting again in the spring

Brian’s Poem

T all

r elying on when it is so sunny.

e verybody needs trees.

e ecological.

s eedling.



the myth of the trees

By Robert                    

once all trees where white. one day thought the gods got tired of this and longed for something different. So one day the gods voted and decided that the best color would be dark green. so all trees were the exact same shade of green. while this was better the gods still thought that it wasn't quite right, they wanted more diversity. so they put it to vote again but the vote was divided equally this time.

one half wanted all shades of green and the other half wanted orange and yellow. So they decided that they should have one set of colors one half of the year and the other the other half of the year.and thats how the trees got their color.



The Man Who Turned Into a Tree

By Jon

There once was a man named Fluffle Mc Nutters. He loved to look at trees. One day Fluffle decided he hated his name so he went to court to sue his parents but he the just wouldn't let him instead they said: under no circumstances will you even be able to lie and say your name is anything else. They put a metal bracelet around his ankle so that if he said that his name was anything else it would inject molten plutonium into his blood stream. So he went to see grassy green of the leaves on the trees, thinking they're green like jalapeƱos, like the outside of a watermelon, like leaves, and green like the Hulk. S o as he looked at the trees one last time he said "My name is Mr. Jibbletts". Then it happened in the excoriating final moments he saw a button on a tree he squirmed up to the tree and pressed it . In the blink of an eye he was a tree.

by Katie

Thick branches covered in a blanket of leaves

Reaching, the branches reaching for the sky like five year old hands

Each one different in their own way

Enormous trunks so big they are hard to climb 

Sky and trees seem to touch at one point in the blank cloudless sky



By: Garrett

Trees give us oxygen so we can breathe.

Reliable trees will grow into big trees.

Evergreens will always stay green.

Every tree is different from each other.

Some trees live for 400 hundred years.

Summer Trees

by Zucely   

The green tall leaves are shiny. When you feel them they are scratchy and soft at the same time. Some leaves are dark green but they are mostly the same. One good thing of having a tree like this is because if its hot outside and you dot want to go inside you could go under the shady tree. That's my summer tree.

Ryan's Tree Story

One day I was running away from some people. I ran to the forest and I lost them in the trees. That day I was wearing forest green so I was blending in with the trees. They were coming my way so I grabbed on a tree that was about 1 foot thick and climbed it. Next I was on a branch and I was starting to make weapons like a bow and arrow. Right above me was string so I got leaves and put the string through it and put the leaves around my head for camouflage. Once I got everything situated I was watching them walk around the place looking for me. I pulled the string back and released it and it hit the tree right in front of them. They looked my direction and started sprinting toward me. They got to the bottom and they were all together. So I thought it was a good idea to jump on them. When I did my lime green leaves fell off. I grabbed the gripped branch and used it as protection from the people. So I started running through the trees and fell to the ground. I got up then realized how beautiful it was. I was walking because I lost them and went into a tree trunk. I closed my eyes and opened them then I saw a new world. It was a forest with so many different shades of green. I decided to just go back and I did. I found out that day that the forest is not just where trees are its a beautiful place.